
With Ties Inseparable

“When we speak of man, we have a conception of humanity as a whole, and before applying scientific methods to the investigation of his movement we must accept this as a physical fact. But can anyone doubt to-day that all the millions of individuals and all the innumerable types and characters constitute an entity, a unit? Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. 

These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them. I cut myself in the finger, and it pains me: this finger is a part of me. I see a friend hurt, and it hurts me, too: my friend and I are one. And now I see stricken down an enemy, a lump of matter which, of all the lumps of matter in the universe, I care least for, and it still grieves me. Does this not prove that each of us is only part of a whole?

For ages this idea has been proclaimed in the consummately wise teachings of religion, probably not alone as a means of insuring peace and harmony among men, but as a deeply founded truth. The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one.

Metaphysical proofs are, however, not the only ones which we are able to bring forth in support of this idea. Science, too, recognizes this connectedness of separate individuals, though not quite in the same sense as it admits that the suns, planets, and moons of a constellation are one body, and there can be no doubt that it will be experimentally confirmed in times to come, when our means and methods for investigating psychical and other states and phenomena shall have been brought to great perfection.

Still more: this one human being lives on and on. The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and pass away, but man remains. Therein lies the profound difference between the individual and the whole.”

― Nikola Tesla


What Do You Call It When ...

What do you call it when …

… corrupt corporations, in concert with corrupt government(s), in concert with corrupt “experts”, in concert with corrupt media, 
  • create and unleash an organism that should not attack humans but does
  • distribute pictures, words, and videos that imply that this organism drops humans in their tracks in droves and must be feared 
  • offer the exact wrong ‘treatment’ for said organism while 
  • withholding/disparaging/censoring/banning multiple correct ‘treatments’ and
  • censoring/disparaging/banning anyone and everyone who exposes accurate information about said organism then 
  • manipulates - and outright lies about - “case” and “death” data supposedly caused by this organism
  • while shutting down the entire global economy and 
  • “mandating" tyrannical, dangerous, and ineffective actions for all people world-wide
I call that tyranny / globalism / marxism / corporatocracy and GENOCIDE .. the exact opposite of FREEDOM and compassion.

I also call it pre-meditated mass murder. 

There should never have been a single human affected by this organism. Not one. Not ever. Total scam to both kill off the populace and at long last gain total control over we the people. 

If you believe anything else, you are agreeing to be deceived, to your - and all of humanity’s - detriment. Time to wake up from the deceptions and illusions that you’ve been living under. 

Don’t take my word for it. Research the facts. But do so outside of mainstream media, because that’s the only place you’ll find any truth. 

Then accept and assert the god-given freedoms that have been, and continue to be, so ruthlessly and unconscionably denied you. 

You came into this world to do exactly that. 

Stop pretending that this is not so. YOU are a powerful creator being. Far more powerful than the pathetic attempts of the ruling class to deceive you. 

Understand and accept your role in your own life’s experience. This IS what you came here for. 

Will you accept your own soul’s challenge? 

If so, do it now. The longer you wait, the more people will suffer and die. Needlessly. 

The deceptions are ending; humanity at large is accepting its role in stewarding both this planet and themselves. Piece by piece, all will be revealed and the healing will begin, globally and in earnest. 

When all is done and you look back upon the experience of this life, will you proudly say you were a part of the solution, or will you regrettably say you were part of prolonging the deception? 

The choice is yours. It always is.

Source loves you no matter what you choose. So do I.

~ kat ๐Ÿ’™



Feel The Vibration, Then Act Accordingly

Feel The Vibration, Then Act Accordingly

A message from the 9D Arcturian Council
When you become as concerned about your vibration as you are about what someone that you don’t even know is doing or saying out there in the world, then and only then can you be the changemakers you were born to be. ~ 9D Arcturian Council through Daniel Scranton
How to Determine Where to Put Your Trust

∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sophisticated in our approach to measuring your progress there on planet Earth. We know how to feel for your overall vibration as a collective, and we can tell that it is on the rise. We can tell that you are making progress by how we feel when we feel into you as a collective. You also have the ability to use your sense of feeling to determine whether you should put your trust, your faith, into a person, into a movement, into a video, or a documentary that you are watching.

You have that ability that is really your sixth sense. Your sixth sense is your ability to feel the vibration coming off of something, someone, some creation, some ideology, or some story that you are reading. You have the ability to feel whether that which you are tuning in to is moving humanity in the direction you all want to be moving in. You could, theoretically, sit around the house all day and think about what is wrong with society, what is wrong with humanity, what is wrong with this government, or that organization, you could do that, feel terrible, and then go to bed that night in that lower-vibrational state.

Now, what we are witnessing there on your world is that there are some people who are completely closed off from their sixth sense. And they are also forgetting the truth that they create their own reality. And they are spreading lower-vibrational stories, ideas, memes, videos, and so on, because they feel in their minds, not their hearts, but their minds, that they are doing good. What we have noticed is that after a while, even the most out-of-tune person, even a person who has really shut themselves off from their feeling sense, will eventually get tired of spreading lower-vibrational information.

They eventually get tired from all the resistance, all the arguing, and simply the way that they are vibrating when they post something that is of a lower vibration. They cannot help but get that on them. And so, eventually, these individuals are going to tire themselves out, and they are going to ask whether there’s another way to help humanity. We are here to tell you that there is. Not only can you meditate, process your emotions, start a prayer circle, and focus on the version of reality that you want to experience, but you can also send healing energy, love, compassion, and forgiveness to where it is most needed in the world.

You can be a part of the solution, instead of continuing to point fingers, make accusations, and spread stories that may or may not be true. You all have an opportunity to do something monumentally big. You who understand that you create your reality can come together at this time and catapult humanity into a higher frequency range. It is up to you, and you will know when you are moving in the right direction, for your sake, and for humanity’s sake, when you tap in to that sixth sense.

When you become as concerned about your vibration as you are about what someone that you don’t even know is doing or saying out there in the world, then and only then can you be the changemakers you were born to be. This is our invitation to you. Join us in our willingness to feel in order to determine whether something is of a high vibration or a low vibration, and then act accordingly.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Control vs Freedom

If we reduced humanity's current turmoil to it's simplest form, in order to understand it better, might it be this? Control vs Freedom

What if, to achieve total freedom, all we had to do was release control, each of us as individuals, in our own lives?

What would life look like then?

Excerpt from Galactic Lightcode Monthly
Wendy Kennedy and the 9D Pleiadian Collective


The Best Is Yet To Come

President Trump presenting the end of his State of the Union address, February 4, 2020, put into video format by @StormIsUponUs
Direct BitChute Link

This is not just about America, but about all of us, all over our shared world.

Together we are reclaiming our freedom.

Nothing and no one can stop us.

The best IS yet to come!

Love to all .. all ways always. ๐Ÿ’™

Update March 14, 2020: @StormIsUponUs was forced to remake the video after a woman cited him for a copyright violation on a 3-second clip of a Clipper ship pulling into port in the original. Sad when someone can't see the greater good in a film like this; the intent to share hope and joy. The man never monetizes his videos, accepts no donations. His work is created and shared purely from his heart. I pray for those who don't yet see that such pettiness is in no one's favor, honors no one, and does more damage to themselves than anyone.

Our world is changing so rapidly! Changing into what many of us have been dreaming about and intending to create all our lives. Now is the time for cooperation, appreciation, excitement, joy, peace, and unconditional love. Let us allow upset, anger, and pettiness to melt away forever, becoming nothing more than a distant memory.

Video remake linked above. Much love to all!

Update May 23, 2021: Because YouTube thinks censoring truth is going to stop the truth from being known, all of Joe M (@StormIsUponUS)'s videos were removed from YouTube by YouTube. I have updated the videoo links with the version JoeM posted to BitChute. I continue to pray for those who don't yet see that pettiness, subverting truth, telling outright lies and controlling others honors no one, and ultimately does more damage to the perpetrators than to their victims.

Without truth we have nothing. But are we totally lost in a sea of lies and false narratives? Happily, we are not. Integrity is being reborn as humanity awakens and realizes that the false narrative we've been living under are ultimately in no oone's best interests. This is truly the time of the Great Awakening. The best IS yet to come!


Uninstalling Deep State

Image Credit: Unknown



Imagine all of the thing’s freedom would mean for you right now. Spend a moment there, long enough to really feel it.

This is the core of creation – emotional intensity, passionate participation, vibrant visualization. Every moment you spend there – pulls it closer.


So true! This is how creation works. See, feel, and live what you want to experience, not what you don't want to experience. It is how creation really works; it is Who We ALL Really Are when we aren't playing the game of pretending we have limits.

The game of limitation, of lack, of power over, of the controllers vs the controlled is done. Why continue to focus on how enslaved we are, when all that does is ensure that slavery is what we continue to experience?

See, feel, and live freedom instead. We are almost there! Real, true, freedom is almost upon us, the signs are everywhere. Let's bring it home!


by Sophia Love

Posted 11/26/2018

What rises to the surface is weightless. What floats, rests on other, denser parts. These risings and floating’s happen when unburdened and unrestrained. They mimic your truth, and expose your natural state – unbound.

On earth now, they can be seen as buoys drifting on a dark sea. They can be tasted first as that dollop of whipped cream on top of a steaming cup of hot cocoa. They are witnessed in happiness. They can be heard in the laughter of the innocent. They are felt in the throes of passion. You will find them in smiling eyes.

What does it mean to be free? A part of me knows, remembers even. This physical body does not, not fully. The current me knows only slavery.

Yet with imagination, we can get to this place called free. We can picture a non-slave life:

There are no shoulds.

There are no bills, taxes, interest.

There is no debt of any kind.

There are things that need doing. There are people that need caring for. There is a society that has to function for the benefit of all. Things like wellness, optimal emotional development, artistic expression, scientific discovery, advances in technology are all a potential part of your life rather than “jobs” that “pay” or “require” a “level” of “education” to pursue. Everyone participates.

Choices of food eaten, home lived in, clothing worn or school attended are not defined by “income level”. The playing field is equal. Opportunities are everywhere.

If there is money, it is neither hard to get nor necessary to hoard. It is not cause for anxiety (aging).

Imagine if tomorrow you didn’t have to think about how you’d be able to buy your next meal, care for your mother, support your family, fix your roof, fix your car, buy that needed therapy or replace that pair of holey boots. Imagine if your mail consisted only of birthday cards, love letters and notes from your friends and family.

Imagine if the food you ate was fresh and free of chemicals, as well as plentiful. Imagine if you held no concept of a 40-hour work week or mounting debt or age-related illness.

Imagine all of the thing’s freedom would mean for you right now. Spend a moment there, long enough to really feel it.

This is the core of creation – emotional intensity, passionate participation, vibrant visualization. Every moment you spend there – pulls it closer.

Not pulling as in taking it away from someone else. It is pulling in the pieces of this un-slaved existence. It is laying out the tools so they are within reach. It is building for yourself the opportunity you seek.

Only you can do this. Those who have controlled things here are not going to suddenly see the error of their ways, and say “Oh, my bad” as they hand you the keys to the kingdom. Nope, not gonna happen like that.

You already have those keys – you only need to use them.

Take your eyes off of slavery. You already know that story by heart.

Place them instead on un-slavery. Better yet – take a gander at un-bound. Focus on free. Not only as words or distant, unreal ideas, but get right down to it. Feel it. See it. Know it as real and in your every day. You'll know what to do once that happens.

Imagine your mail box with only good things in it. See the car, teeth, body, shoes, mom or roof as you want them to be. Just picture free in every place that you are now enslaved. Picture it often and it has no choice but to appear. Infuse it with passion and you’ll get to know “free” as well as you now recognize shackled.
Change enslaved to UN-slaved.

It is here, in these final moments, that our core truth emerges and writes our ending. We are free. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.

With appreciation for all that you are,

Note -- check out this short, great clip on creation, below!

Above clip from the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know"
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Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do.
Much obliged


The Exploitation Of Humanity Is Ending - an article by Tiffany FitzHenry

There is a movement afoot. An awakening. It's been coming for decades, building momentum. Momentum away from deception and toward truth. An awakening of consciousness. It has been gaining speed as more and more of humanity remember, recognize, accept, and finally - embrace - their inherent power. Many, myself included, refer to this as "the Great Awakening."

"This is about humanity awakening and finally and fully understanding why our world has looked the way it has, including global and systemic poverty, endless wars, drugs, crime, violence, and all diseases of the body, mind and spirit."


"To many, it will feel like the world is ending. But rest assure, it’s their world that’s ending, not ours. As the false world of lies and control is unveiled, and the truth is revealed, everything that was built on the exploitation of humanity will be incinerated.

Just let it burn."

~ Tiffany FitzHenry

As we move forward with this Awakening, let us remember that we have been participating in a "game". A "game" of all-powerful god-beings pretending to be powerless. We could never have experienced that which we have all experienced while remembering Who We Really Are. We had to "forget" that we were powerful creators. "Forgetting" was the the only way. An entire arena for experience was created to do just that .. to forget. It is time now to remember.

This has been a game of duality, of separation. As the "game" has unfolded, through our various aspects of essence we have each played all the roles. Good bad, rich poor, powerful powerless, the rulers and the ruled, the innocent and the guilty. We've done it all. Wonderful things, horrific things. We've done it all. Amazing things, despicable things. We've done it all. We've experienced it all. We are done with those experiences. That game is over.

All that's left is for each of us to realize that we've been participating in a game - a game of our own design and our own choice - and stop playing. For real. Stop playing the victim role. Stop accepting others playing the victim role. We can listen compassionately and understandingly without accepting victimhood. We are all creators, each of us, down to the last. We can assist others, if we choose, in realizing Who They Really Are too and thereby not only speed up the ending, but ensure that the Great Awakening and the Great Ending is fulfilled peacefully and compassionately.

Will there be justice for perpetrators? Yes. Actions have consequences. But there is a way to promote justice without hatred, without violence. Find that way. Look to your heart. Look to the beloveds in your life for support, for the reminder of what unconditional love and appreciation look like, what understanding and compassion feel like. We are all playing roles. Some of us chose the deepest darkest most despicable roles. "There but for the grace of God .."


September 5, 2018

By Tiffany FitzHenry

Dear family, friends, and neighbors,

By now you’ve no doubt sensed we are living in extraordinary times.

You’ve likely noted, over the last several months, the seemingly unending wave of strange news and bombshell revelations. The untimely, almost ritualistic sounding suicides of high profile celebrities, the onslaught of sexually predatory and pedophile related crimes surfacing out of Hollywood and the media, the recent news of decades of child sex abuse operating under the veil of religion. You may be beginning to suspect that not only has there been a great deal about our world we didn’t know, but perhaps something else even larger is going on.

You are right about both.

As we continue to learn the truth a new picture of our world is materializing, that of a virtual prison planet, long blanketed with a horrible plague of darkness. A darkness that’s been cleverly disguised. But with each new revelation this disguise is falling away, showing humanity, for the first time, the shocking and horrifying truth about what the powerful elites of our planet have been doing. We are just now starting to see behind the curtain, and beginning to understand how their dark power systems have worked. It all keeps coming back to the same themes. Predatory sexual behavior and the sickening abuse of children involving the most powerful and influential people and institutions in our world. And each day, new layers continue to peel away, revealing a grotesque global system of centralized power, owned influence, extortion, child sex abuse, and human trafficking. The scope of which none of us could have ever possibly imagined.

To all who are in touch with their humanity, these horrors are almost impossible to comprehend. This was always a part of their dark plan. That the secret way in which the world really worked was so vile, so inhumane, that even if we somehow found out, we wouldn’t believe it because we simply couldn’t or refused to.

That plan is failing them.

A formal call for the Pope’s resignation has been issued. Elite globalism is in rapid decline. Human sovereignty and consciousness are rising like a rocket worldwide. All of this is pushing the truth to the surface.

In the coming days, weeks and months ahead, the most wicked things imaginable will begin to go public. And a flood of even more disclosures about highly influential people throughout every institution, is on the way. Revelations that will leave you reeling. I’m talking about the most heinous crimes against children and mass crimes against humanity, committed with impunity for decades by the entire ruling class of this planet. Visibly, we will continue to see high-profile people throughout Washington, Hollywood/Media, and The Church fall from grace. But the scope of this is enormous. This dark system stretches into every industry. Its evil tentacles touch every corner of the Earth.

Hearing vile things about those we may have idolized, those we’ve elected to lead our nations, those we’ve considered our moral authority, those we’ve looked to for spiritual guidance, is not going to be easy for anyone. At this time, it’s critical to erase the concept of politics from your mind. Politics is a tiny, fake construct used to divide and control us. The coming disclosures will obliterate this long-running illusion. This is about humanity awakening and finally and fully understanding why our world has looked the way it has, including global and systemic poverty, endless wars, drugs, crime, violence, and all diseases of the body, mind and spirit.

Be warned, those involved will try to spin, deny, and twist what you’re hearing. They will try to distract you from listening to the truth with a pre-planned slate of counter “disclosures.” Things like plagues and outbreaks, AI take over, asteroids, mass shootings, even alien invasions. If you’re paying attention you already see the stage being set as the noose of the truth continues to tighten. I encourage you to use your discernment, to look at the fact patterns we already know about, to be honest with yourself, and open your mind to the possibility that we were very wrong about a lot of people. That we fell for a multi-generational, multi-millennia, galactic-sized bait and switch. That almost everything in our world was the opposite of what we believed.

Setting aside your ego and attachments is critical now, not just for your own sanity but for the evolution and future of our species. Above all, do not fear. If something triggers fear, know that it’s false. You need only observe the truth as it washes over the planet. The truth is the elixir, let it do it’s work. Use the great power of your own intuition to see these false disclosures for what they are, a hallow tactic. A grand projection, one last big Hail Mary lie, all rooted in self-preservation.

To many, it will feel like the world is ending. But rest assure, it’s their world that’s ending, not ours. As the false world of lies and control is unveiled, and the truth is revealed, everything that was built on the exploitation of humanity will be incinerated.

Just let it burn.

The crimes are real. The things you’ll be hearing about institutions and the elites who’ve controlled them are true. It’s all true.

Those who know the truth and the scope of what’s coming already outnumber those still in the dark. As you absorb these disclosures about our institutions and the people who’ve been controlling them, you’ll feel shocked, dismayed, disturbed, disoriented and utterly heartbroken. Know that millions worldwide have just gone before you through these very same emotions. You are not alone—far from it. Arm yourselves with prayer and the love of your family, friends and neighbors; these are the most important people in the world. The inextinguishable power of these sacred bonds will carry us all through.

As a humane society, we are duty bound to bear witness to all the suffering that so many have been enduring in the shadows of our world. Be brave for the victims. Souls have been torn to shreds and lives have been shattered, countless have been living in a sleepless nightmare. Be prepared to listen to those who’ve been abused. If you find yourself speaking with someone who has, whether it be at the hand of a clergy or other person our society bestowed high office or status, the only words needed are “I believe you,” “I’m sorry that happened to you,” “I love you.” Be gentle with the survivors of abuse and ready to be receive them. Thousands upon thousands will begin to emerge from the shadow when they know they are finally safe enough to do so.

The more light and love we give during this time, the quicker and more powerfully the healing will happen and the brighter, healthier, more joyous and more abundant our precious existence will become.

This time of revelation and of clearing our world of the darkness that had taken root, was written in the stars long ago. Trust the plan we all agreed to be a part of, and know that together we are heading into a brand new, limitless future, the greatest, most luminous time humanity has ever known.

Remember, where we go one we go all.


The Sky Isn't The Limit ..

.. Your Belief System Is!


Are You Delaying Your Full Awakening?

The following piece is from Sophia Love, titled "10 Things Preventing Your Ascension".

However .. I've personally stopped using the word "ascension" as it's confusing for people and tends to sound like something it isn't. Ascension isn't going someplace or achieving something or magically becoming non-human .. so that all those pesky human problems go away. No, it's coming the full remembering, realization, and acceptance of who you really are as a being, a creator being, and utilizing the full power of that knowing.

Once you've experienced that remembering, in even the tiniest way, all there is to do is begin using your powers as a creator to enjoy your existence and experiences, in true creator fashion. If you don't like the way an experience is unfolding for you .. change it! You can you know. In the blink of an eye. In a heartbeat. You just have to know that you can, and utilize that power.

So instead of "ascension" let's call this process we're all going through "awakening." There isn't any "arrival point" as the word "ascension" implies, but rather an unfolding, and quite a delicious unfolding at that. Awakening is a process. You won't ever be "done". Being "done" isn't the point. Experience is the point .. and you are already experiencing! .. but perhaps without understanding where your experiences are coming from.

Your "life" as a human is your personal stage play. You are the author, the producer, the director, the actor, and the audience! How will you write the story of You? How will you play it? How will you direct it? How will you observe it? How will you retell it? It is yours in every sense of the word. All that stands in your way of directing it consciously is laid out beautifully by Sophia (below).


By Sophia Love
August 28, 2018

It’s like climbing a ladder using every other rung. Oh, all of the rungs are there, perfectly willing to support you. Only you don’t see all of them. Every other rung is cleverly hidden beneath familiar things.

These things are not really physical. These things are emotional. These things are intellectual. They seem so real however, that when you reach for that next rung, it is out of sight & beneath one of these familiar things.

They are now serving as very clever camouflage. Here are their names:

• Fear
• Safety
• Embarrassment
• Insecurity/Doubt
• Arrogance
• Habit
• Ego*
• Social Programming/Education
• Role/Status (Self-defined)
• Memories/Confusion

Now the specific patterning of the camouflage is different for each, yet they are all constructed using some component of at least one of these ten things. That means, in essence, that each covering will vary slightly but is based on a falsehood that hides the truth. For none of these things are real. They are camouflage. The ladder exists for each of us to climb. Every rung is in place.

What we must do now is uncover them so that we continue to ascend. There will be no falling.

We are awake now and we know about the high-tech camouflage that can make things look as if they don’t exist.

This part can get a bit tricky because the high-level technology that covers every other rung on our ladder was created by us. It’s our own stuff. That means it’s brilliant.

This climb demands sheer determination and tenacity. You must be willing to first notice and then take a step back before responding to what you notice. Examine each piece. It will be uncomfortable. It may be sad, shocking or scary. You are going to feel vulnerable. You may want to call me a liar and say (in a sort of angry voice) “There is no rung there! I’ve been alive 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 or 95 years and if it was there I’d have seen it!”

It’s there.

This climb to enlightenment is not even a climb really. There’s no place to ascend to. Not really.

That’s why you can’t fall.

All the rungs? They are actually deeper levels of awareness.

What you’ll see as you “ascend” is the beauty of your own truth. You’ll witness your divine self.
You’ll embrace your eternal essence in absolute perfection. You’ll experience bliss.

These sheets of camouflage are illusory and they are all that’s stopping you from loving yourself. Really loving yourself. No conditions. No exceptions. All out, pedal to the metal, no brakes agape.

Self-love IS the shift.

Let nothing stop you, regardless of how brilliant or clever or familiar it seems.

You know better.


You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

With appreciation for all that you are,

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Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do.
Much obliged.

* Sophia uses the word "ego" here. I'd like to clarify that ego is not the enemy. It's not something to run away from .. nor could we if we tried. Ego a very important part of being human. Without what we refer to as ego humans would have no automaticity - we'd have to consciously manage every little detail of our "life". The problem has been that because we were playing this game of pretending NOT to be the creator beings that we are, we have been self-programming our ego to manage tasks it was never meant to manage. You can take back a run-away ego by re-programming yourself consciously rather than continuing to operate unconsciously (ie - without awareness).

It takes diligence, it takes noticing when our ego is running a program that is no longer in our best interests, but it can be done. The more you reprogram yourself consciously, the less and less "rogue" your ego will seem. Over time you'll notice vast improvements in your ability to act rather than react .. unless you are consciously choosing to maintain whichever reactions that you wish to maintain. That's the beauty of ego .. it only does what we tell it to. We just need to be aware of what we're directing it to do!


Trust Yourself

Image Credit: Unknown


Sieze The Moment

Image Credit: Unknown

I would expand on this idea, replacing "day" with "moment".

Not only is every day a new day, every moment is new. We can cancel any thought, idea, belief, comment, or action that no longer serves us in the very next moment. We don't have to wait for tomorrow.

Every moment is precious, we knew that.

But we were never told that we could change a belief and watch our reality shift in the very next moment.

We do that by simply releasing an old thought and replacing it with a new one. Sometimes we need to do that over and over again until our old unconscious self-programming is released and our new, conscious self-programming is in place. It takes diligence and focus, but it is totally doable.

There is never a moment when we cannot choose differently what we wish to experience.

We are the masters of our reality. Believe that and a whole new way of being opens up.